While mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been widely studied, we believe that treatments based on EVs secreted by organ-specific cells, informed by the understanding of disease pathology, hold greater potential. Our primary focus is currently on the respiratory system.

We particularly focus on human bronchial epithelial cells with the phenotype of large airway progenitor cells, specifically basal cells. We have discovered the innovative therapeutic effects of EVs derived from these airway epithelial cells on lung diseases. This targeted approach allows us to develop specialized treatments for respiratory health.

In addition to our focus on respiratory applications, we recognize the importance of EVs in the development of advanced drug delivery systems (DDS). Our ongoing research and technological development efforts are aimed at enhancing the capabilities of EVs for efficient and precise drug delivery by inhalation. This dual focus ensures that we stay at the forefront of both therapeutic innovations and DDS advancements.